Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Pics

There isn't much exciting news from drawnonward, but what else is new. I've been working on my picture taking skills, and here are some new product shots--

What do you think? I think they are a nice improvement! Now I just need to post products on etsy! Also, here's a picture from the Bazaar Bizarre!

My camera battery died after this picture, which was a bummer. At least I got one nice shot! I liked the new display a lot, even though you can't see it that great in this picture.

One of my new year's resolutions is to blog more, so maybe I'll start in February :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009! I thought 2008 went by so fast, but when I look back, I did a lot. I got a new job (ok, that was Dec of 07, but close enough), went to Iceland, moved again, and had some great things happen with drawnonward. I hope that I stay motivated with everything in 2009, and I'm hopeful it will be a good year!

Happy New Year everyone!