Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lots of Updates

Hello friends! This has been quite a week! Lately I've been feeling discouraged about drawnonward--it was like I couldn't do anything right! I didn't have any craft fairs scheduled for August, and I planned to take the month to come up with some new products. That didn't go exactly as planned, and I had almost nothing to show for my month off. You know when you have those days where nothing you make is coming out the way you want it to? I had about 2 weeks full of them. Usually, I can just walk away from the frustration, but I really wanted the month to be productive. In the end, I took some time off from crafting, and tried to get back into the habit of letting my inspiration dictate the rythm of the creative process (does that sound as cheesy as I think it does?). The time away was just what I needed, and now I feel much better! I'm moving ahead cautiously, because I don't want to get that burned out again.

But enough self-pity, I have some great news! Last weekend was Picnic in Portland, and it was so much fun! It rained a lot, but there were still lots of people there. A few people remembered me from the year before, which was cool. They're planning a holiday show that I'm way excited about; I'll keep you updated on the details. Speaking of holiday shows... I got in to the Bazaar Bizarre again! This show is the best; the organizers are great and it is so so much fun. This year, it's at the Cyclorama, which should be fun. I still can't believe I got in again; I keep re-reading the acceptance email and expecting them to send me another one saying "Sorry! We sent that email to the wrong person!" Paranoid, I know. But it was totally the great news I needed to jump start my crafting. Baz biz saves the day again!

I also recently joined twitter, so you can follow me now! My user name is drawnonward_nh because drawnonward was taken (no, that's not me tweeting about D&D), so look me up! I still don't totally understand how it works, but it seems pretty cool so far! Also, and this is a little embarrassing, I just found out that I don't get status updates emailed to me when something happens on the drawnonward designs Facebook fan page. So, if you posted something on my wall or sent me a message that I never responded to, I apologize and won't let it happen again! But now you can be a fan and actually expect to get some interaction with me!

One more thing! There is a fantastic picture of J on my flickr that I can't post here because I told him I wouldn't put it anywhere but flickr... But I will leave you with some new product shots.

This is a bigger size wristlet; I photographed it in my fancy new light box. Ok, it's not that fancy, but I finally made a light box!

Group shot, also in the light box.

A purse! I know you're as excited as I am! Isn't it pretty? I can't wait to make more.

Rings--they were a super hit at Picnic! They're fabric (clearly) and are amazing.

Happy almost weekend!