Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Weekend!

Finally it's the weekend! I'm going to see Ryan Adams tonight (not the Summer of 69 guy, the alt country guy) with my sister; she got me a ticket for Christmas! I think it should be fun, and it's another excuse to go to Boston. Not that I need one; I'm going there three days next week for trainings for my job.

I made something with the serger! It's not really anything, but I'm excited I can actually create things with that beast! Here it is:

I told you it wasn't anything!

Also, if you're on Facebook, you can become a fan of drawnonward designs! All the cool kids are doing it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My New Best Friend

Look what I got!
It's a serger! I'm super excited I finally have one, and I even already figured out how to thread it! It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... I had the day off yesterday (I think I was one of the only people who did), and I learned how to thread it, but that's about it. I'm excited to try it out--that's my next step! I also got started on some new bags which should be done soon.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! J and I went to the aquarium on Saturday. Apparently we weren't the only couple that decided the aquarium was a good place to spend Valentine's Day! It was so packed; we waited over an hour just to get inside. But it was still fun, and we hadn't been since grade school, so it was worth it.

Here's a friend we saw there:
And look what J got me! There were a few more with it, but this one is my favorite.

And, after all the anticipation a few weeks ago, we got Bonnaroo tix! Woo hoo!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The wait was worth it! The Bonnaroo lineup is amazing! One of the bands that's preforming posted the lineup on their myspace before midnight, which was fine with me! There are tons of bands I'm way excited about and some, not so much (Bruce Springsteen? No thank you) I think this time will be better because I know what to expect--disgustingly hot weather, lots of awesome bands playing at the same time, a wicked long drive...

I just took some photos of my nice clean craft room, and figured I should share them before it doesn't look like that anymore. J and I are moving in May, so I might not have a craft room in the new place. I know, it's sad, but we're downsizing so we can save more money for our trip around the world. We're leaving in 95 weeks, so we'd better get saving! I know you're all wondering, didn't you just move last year? and you're right, we did. I've decided J and I are inherently nomadic, and we can't stay in once place too long (hence the trip around the world). Anyway, here's the craft room:


It's still a little messy, but at least there's room to move in it! I didn't do any cleaning after the crazy Christmas rush, but now it looks somewhat normal. business is finally legal in NH! I sent in the paperwork in January, and now I'm official (even though they wrote the business name wrong--it should be all lower case!!) I'm glad to have finally done that; it had been on my to do list for a year!

Monday, February 2, 2009

I can't wait until midnight...

...when they announce the Bonnaroo lineup! I feel like it's New Year's again! Except I wasn't this excited for the new year. J and I are going, and we're hoping the lineup is awesome! I went in 2004 and it was a little bit of a disaster, so hopefully this will be a better experience. We'll see!

I hope everyone had good weekends! Mine was uneventful, except I got to see my favorite little sister! I went out to visit her at school for the day, and it was awesome. We went to Brattleboro for lunch and shopping. I hadn't been there in a long time, and it was great to go back. My sister is awesome, and it's so cool to see her growing into such a lovely young lady! (ok, I'm done being a grandma now!)

J helped me make some jewelry yesterday, which means I finished some earrings, and he tooled around with my scrap silver. I am (impatiently) waiting for an exciting package, and I can't wait to show it off!