Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My New Best Friend

Look what I got!
It's a serger! I'm super excited I finally have one, and I even already figured out how to thread it! It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... I had the day off yesterday (I think I was one of the only people who did), and I learned how to thread it, but that's about it. I'm excited to try it out--that's my next step! I also got started on some new bags which should be done soon.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! J and I went to the aquarium on Saturday. Apparently we weren't the only couple that decided the aquarium was a good place to spend Valentine's Day! It was so packed; we waited over an hour just to get inside. But it was still fun, and we hadn't been since grade school, so it was worth it.

Here's a friend we saw there:
And look what J got me! There were a few more with it, but this one is my favorite.

And, after all the anticipation a few weeks ago, we got Bonnaroo tix! Woo hoo!


Anonymous said...

I thought I was your best friend!

alison said...

you are my best human friend!!